Sunday, October 7, 2007

It's all coming together!

So Nate got a call back and is starting his new job tomorrow! He is working for a guy named Mike who specializes in installing Ikea Kitchen Cabinets. He also makes skateboards! Cool, Huh?

It has been so great to see how everything has come together. Nate and I have both found great jobs that we think we will enjoy, and I am close enough to mine to ride my bike! I am really excited to start, and I should be starting Wednesday after I get my fingerprints taken!

We went to the House of Blues Gospel brunch this morning with my Mom, it was so cool. We got to eat amazing food (and lots of it!) and listen to some great, passionate musicians! We had lots of fun!

My mom and I are going back to the zoo today, and Nate is practicing with Mike Morgan. He is playing electric guitar in Mike's band! That has been really fun for him too.

Well I think that is enough for now. We are trying to get Internet, and so soon we will post pictures!

1 comment:

C-Man said...

I am so happy for you two! sounds like things are falling into place. That is awesome. tell Nate i said hey!

Miss you guys - becca too. She askes about you often!