Friday, October 26, 2007

Stir crazy....

So this whole no working/staying inside thing is hard! I have already cleaned the house, and I am getting ready to do some crafting...Maddi is giving me this look like 'I need a long walk and I want to go to the beach, why are you making me stay inside!'

I found out school is cancelled on Monday too! But great news is that the Y is amazing and they are paying me even though I am not working. I think that is so sweet!!

Well, Hope that you all have a wonderful day!!!


Jess & Brian said...

Boring Friday night for us! How bout you guys? I couldn't imagine having to stay inside!!! I may try to resend that video I talked to you about. I tried going on Utube but couldn't find the correct site. Send me an email to help me with that...I seem to be mentally disabled on finding that site.

Wally Harrison said...

I tried to get Panera to pay me for not working, but they weren't having it.